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11/09/2010 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
East Hampton High School Library


Present:  Chairperson Melissa Engel, Vice Chairman John Tuttle and Council Members Thomas Cordeiro, Christopher Goff, Barbara Moore and Susan Weintraub.  Also present were Interim Town Manager Robert Drewry, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois, members of the press and citizens.

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Chairperson Engel called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the East Hampton High School Library.  

Approval of Minutes  
A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to approve the minutes of the October 26, 2010 Special Meeting as amended. Voted (5-0-1) Ms. Moore abstained as she was not present at the meeting.

A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to approve the minutes of the October 26, 2010 Regular Meeting as amended. Voted (5-0-1). Ms. Moore abstained as she was not present at the meeting.

A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Goff, to change the order of the Special Presentations with Board of Education 3rd Party Bus Inspections preceding the Defined Contribution Plan. Voted (6-0).

Special Presentations
Board of Education 3rd Party Bus Inspections
Dr. Judith Golden, Superintendent of Schools, provided an overview of the bus inspection reports by Transit Resource Center from June, 2010 and August, 2010 for the Nichols Bus Service fleet for the Town of East Hampton.  The report overviews will be included with the minutes filed in the Town Clerk’s office.  Dr. Golden reported that School Business Manager Karen Asetta keeps a separate set of records for bus inspections for every vehicle and communicates daily with Nichols Bus Service.  Dr. Golden noted that 4 of 5 older 9 passenger vans have been replaced with newer 8 passenger vans. Nichols Bus Service pays for the services provided by Transit Resource Center.  Michael Vasquenza, Chairman of the Board of Education, reported that the inspection reports are reviewed at each School Transportation Buildings and Grounds Meetings.  

Defined Contribution Plan by Actuarial Firm
Rebecca Sielman, Consulting Actuary for Milliman, Inc., provided a review of the current Defined Benefit Plan and provided information on the Defined Contribution Plan that is being considered for new employees to the Town of East Hampton.

Public Remarks
John Hines, South Main Street, commented that the Council needs to provide proper amplification for the meetings. It is difficult to hear in the back of the room.  

Steven Lockwood, 15 Beechcrest Drive, asked the Council members to resign.

Angela Sarahina, 37 Old Middletown Avenue, commented on an email that was sent out by the Chairperson of the Council.  She commented that the Council is not listening to the residents and the people want to be heard.  She also asked five of the Council members to resign.

Bunny Simko, Long Hill Road, read a letter to Melissa noting that remarks or attitudes made to personally ridicule, harass, humiliate or intimidate another person whether they are another citizen or member of a board or the Council be ruled out of order.  She noted that this is bullying.

Dale Maynard, Quiet Woods Road, commented on the vote last week. He noted that many expressed their disdain over the council’s actions.  He noted there is distrust and damage to the Council’s credibility.  He feels the Council should resign or be replaced next November.  He also suggested the Democrat and Republican parties should develop specific platforms for positive change in town and identify candidates that will behave professionally with no hidden agendas.  He noted he has become a Chatham Party member.

Don Coolican, West Lane, commented that although people are dissatisfied, the Council was elected to a two year term.  If people don’t like the way things are going they should run for election next November.

Nikki O’Neill, Meeks Point Road, noted that the vote is done and the issue is over.  She feels that the town needs to move on.  There is a need to concentrate on the positive things going on in town now.  She does not feel the Council should resign and that there is nothing that can be done until the next election.

Peter Brown, 76 Barton Hill Road, commented on the vote of last week.  He noted there is no recourse other than to wait for next November to vote.

Mike Bloch, 31 Cone Road, commented on Mr. Devine’s resignation.  He felt the town’s people were deprived of representation and the Council should carefully consider his replacement.  

Laurie Wasilewski, Hog Hill Road, commented that there is a disconnect between the Town Council and the citizens of East Hampton.

Lori Weech, Cone Road, commented that there are other ways to contribute to the town besides being on the Council such as the petition drive by Take Back Our Town.  She spoke on the possible change in the annex location from the Palmer building to the Rand building.  She also noted that the public has a right to speak on anything they choose.

Jill Perruccio, Wangonk Trail, commented that the vote is over and there is a need to move forward.  She also noted that the public in attendance needs to address the council not the other members of the public during public remarks.

Margaret Jacobson, Tartia Road, commented that the slanderous blogging and emails are wrong.

David Simko, Long Hill Road, noted that he is a certified moderator for the State of Connecticut.  He noted that referendums run differently than elections and the recent votes should have been held on different dates.  He commented on former election issues and fines that were issued.

Irene Curtis, 13 Wangonk Trail, commented that she filed the election complaint in the former election.

New Business
Discussion of Possible Land Acquisition by Town Cemetery Board
Kevin Reich, Chairman of the Town Cemetery Board, provided information to the Council regarding a possible land purchase opportunity adjacent to the Skinnerville Cemetery. The only town cemetery with available plots is the Skinnerville Cemetery but there are only approximately 14 plots remaining.  Mr. Reich asks that the Council give the Interim Town Manager permission to write a letter to the owner of the property asking for the first right of refusal if the property becomes available for sale and to get an appraisal on the property.

A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Ms. Moore, to authorize Robert Drewry to have a contract drawn up for a first right of refusal on the property adjacent to the Skinnerville Cemetery and to have an appraisal done on that property.  Voted (6-0).

Royal Oaks Phase 2 Road Acceptance
A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Goff, to accept the following roads as recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission: the remainder of Mathieu Lane; Julia Terrace; Ray Lane and Rachael Drive.  Voted (6-0).

Replacement of Council Member William Devine
Town Council Member William Devine submitted his resignation letter effective November 3, 2010.  Ms. Engel asked the Council members to get recommendations from their political parties for a replacement for Mr. Devine to be voted on at the November 23rd meeting.  A legal notice will be placed in the Rivereast asking for candidates as well as on the town website.

Old Business
Discussion on Noise Ordinance
Mr. Cordeiro reported that he and Ms. Weintraub met to discuss a noise ordinance and reviewed noise ordinances from other towns in Connecticut.  They would like to include this item on future council agendas and have significant community input as well as input from restaurants and businesses in town.  Ms. Weintraub noted they have had discussions with the towns of Windham and Hartford.  Mr. Cordeiro noted the goal would be to provide guidance to officers in the field with regard to noise measurement and being able to respond to complaints but not to affect the success or failure of businesses.  There are elements to a noise ordinance that will be debated. Mr. Cordeiro reviewed a listing of dates:  January 11th – Presentation, January 25th – draft ordinance, February 8th – Presentation for the public, February 22nd – 2nd presentation including businesses, March 8th – Proposed ordinance and possible approval, March 22nd – Public Hearing.  Ms. Weintraub noted that the DEP does need to approve noise ordinances before being voted on so a draft ordinance will be forwarded to DEP for approval prior to a vote.

Report of Interim Town Manager
Mr. Drewry reported the following:
  • A Tri-Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 18th at 7pm in the High School Library.
  • The Executive Session to discuss pending litigation was scheduled for Tuesday, November 16th but will be rescheduled.
  • The Korean War Veteran Ceremony is scheduled for Monday, November 22nd at 3:30 p.m. in the High School Auditorium.
  • The plans for the Senior Center expansion have been reviewed by L. Wagner Associates and will be put out to bid in the next couple of weeks.  They will be out to bid for approximately 8 weeks.
Update on Annex Relocation
The Council discussed two options for the Annex relocation – the Palmer building on Middletown Avenue and Wayne Rand’s office space at 42 East High Street.  Mr. Drewry reported that there would be the ability to sub-let the office space to a compatible tenant at the Palmer building.  Mr. Drewry would also like to have the ability to extend the lease for whichever building is chosen for 3 years past the initial lease.  A review of the costs for each building were reviewed as well as pros and cons for each location.  The costs for each building over an eight year period were comparable.

By consensus, Mr. Drewry will continue to move forward with the lease at the Palmer building.  It will be requested to have a 3 year extension option.

Eagle Scout Resolution
The Council signed a resolution for upcoming Eagle Scout Thomas R. Rinaldo.  Mr. Goff will attend the Eagle Scout Court of Honor on December 12, 2010 at 1:30 p.m. to present the resolution.

Bids & Contracts

Appointment to Board of Finance
The Council discussed the candidates for the replacement of Judy Isele on the Board of Finance.  Maria Peplau and David May were the proposed candidates.  

A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Ms. Weintraub, to appoint Maria Peplau to the Board of Finance.  Voted (3-3).  Motion does not carry.

The Council will await the appointment of the seventh member of the Council replacing Mr. Devine to vote on the Board of Finance appointment.

Financial Statements and Transactions

Tax Refunds
A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Goff, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $492.79.  Voted (6-0).

The Council was provided a copy of Mr. Devine’s resignation letter.

Coming Up
The first meeting of the Arts & Cultural Commission is scheduled for Monday, November 15, 2010 at 7pm in the High School Library.

The Clean Energy Task Force will be meeting on Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 7pm in the Town Hall Annex with a representative from White Oak with a presentation on a possible land based solar array near the WPCA office.

Ms. Moore reported that the Commission on Aging is working on discounts for seniors.

Ms. Weintraub noted there is a Records Retention & Destruction Workshop coming up and that Mr. Drewry may want to send someone to the workshop.

Mr. Drewry noted there will be an FOI Training Session by Thomas Hennick on November 30th for employees and Board and Commission members that were not able to attend the session held earlier in the year.

Ms. Weintraub asked why police officers are still present at Council meetings and asked for the cost of the police at the meetings since June.  Mr. Cordeiro, Ms. Engel and Mr. Tuttle noted the concern that as some members of the public continue to approach the Council table they feel the police are still needed.  Ms. Weintraub asked if a police officer was ever needed at a meeting in the past. Ms. Engel noted that the first time an officer was needed, but was not present, was at a meeting a year ago when Mrs. Dostaler and Mrs. Curtis wouldn’t leave a meeting when they were asked to leave.

Public Remarks
John Hines, South Main Street, commented on the noise ordinance, an agreeable decibel level could be determined and readings can be utilized to control noise.  

Dale Maynard, Quiet Woods Road, commented on the road acceptance and asked if there is any way to change future residential developments to require a homeowners association fee for road upkeep.

David Simko, Long Hill Road, thanked all the registrars, moderators and officials working the election.  He also thanked Mr. Drewry, Mr. Hayden and Mr. Jylkka for working on the project of auctioning the surplus vehicles.

Cynthia Abraham, Clark Hill Road, commented on the lease for the Palmer building, noting the lease extension time period should be 4 to 6 months.  

Irene Curtis, 13 Wangonk Trail, commented that she should be apologized to as she was never asked to leave a Council meeting.

Nikki O’Neill, Meeks Point Road, commented that she had a problem with the negative comments regarding Bill Devine.

Laurie Wasilewski, Hog Hill Road, commented that she is still concerned about the bus situation in town.  

Scott Minnick, South Main Street, commented that the formation of the Arts & Cultural Commission was illegally formed as there was no public hearing on an ordinance before the commission was formed.

Angela Sarahina, 37 Old Middletown Avenue, asked for confirmation on how Bill Devine’s position will be filled.

Steven Lockwood, Beechcrest Drive, apologized for the way he acted earlier in the meeting.  He wants to see the right thing done for the town.

Ted Barber, 50 Mott Hill Road, commented that there is a culvert near the marina on North Main Street that is collapsing.

Nelson Maurice, Mallard Cove, commented that he is happy to hear the bid will be going out for the Senior Center expansion.

Jill Perruccio, Wangonk Trail, asked if the bus contracts have to be put out to bid.  

A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Goff, to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary